VKNF15 – Fluid Exchange
Martin gave me SUCH a look. Like he’d just been struck by lightning. I don’t know if it was because of what I had just said, or because of what was about to happen. He looked around panic-stricken, unsure of what to do or say.
”OH FUCK!” he screamed, NOT being stealthy at all, despite earlier concerns. ”Uh, um, uh, where? should? ummm? gonna???”
It took me a second to realize what was happening.
”INSIDE” I bellowed.
”You sure?” He squeaked.
”I’m on the ring!” I explained.
”I don’t know what that means! Oh shit! Too late now!” he exclaimed.
Then he nutted REAL hard in me. Just the biggest, fattest rope I’d ever had inside me, before or since. Enough to push my ring out of me and onto the ramp. Sometimes I feel like I’m still cleaning it out of myself.
Well it’s important to the story.
Fine. No. Not really. But I think it IS noteworthy. I think people should know.
I looked at him, the caring kind soul that I am, and gave the most reassuring words I could think of, while softly caressing his face. ”Pretty good, right?”
”Y-yeah” he said, still emptying his contents into me.